Multi-Resolution Anomaly Detection Methods for time series and spatial signals (时间序列和空间信号的多分辨率异常检测方法)


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  • 报告人简介:张岭松现为普渡大学统计系副教授(终身教职),国际统计学会成员,曾获普渡大学理学院团队奖、统计系杰出助理教授教学奖、普渡大学成功种子奖,张博士同时在普度大学Regenstrief 健康工程研究中心担任兼职研究员。2007年到2009年在哈佛大学生物统计系做博士后研究,2007年获得北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校统计学博士学位,分别在北京大学数学科学学院、清华大学概率统计系获得学士和硕士学位。

    报告题目: Multi-Resolution Anomaly Detection Methods for time series and spatial signals (时间序列和空间信号的多分辨率异常检测方法)

    报告时间: 2018年5月16日

    报告人观点:In this talk, we present multiresolution anomaly detection approaches for both long range dependent time series and spatial signals. These work was motivated by internet anomaly detection, and spatial cluster detection. The multiresolution methods can mitigate the dependence structure and thus provide more efficient algorithm to detect signals such as mean level shifts. Both theory and empirical simulations were provided to demonstrate the powerfulness of such methods.

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