1. The effect of internal and external factors on innovative behavior of Chinese manufacturing firms. China Economic Review, 2017, 46, S50-S64. (第一作者,SSCI)
2. Compliance with the recommended protective actions regarding H7N9 Emergency: a risk perception perspective. Disasters, 2017, 42(2), 207-232. (合作,SSCI)
3. Knowledge intensive business services and their impact on innovation in China. Service Business, 2014, 8(4), 479-498 (第一作者,SSCI)
4. Knowledge intensive business services in China’s industrial R&D diffusion: an evolution view. In Xiumei Guo and Dora Marinova (Eds) Sustainability and Development in Asia and the Pacific: Emerging Policy Issues, World Scientific, Singapore, 2018. (通讯作者,专著收录)
5. Impact of KIBS agglomeration on regional innovation efficiency: evidence from China’s high tech industry, Transformacje: Transformations – An International Journal, 2014, pp. 151-172. (通讯作者)
6. Risk Knowledge, product knowledge, and brand benefits for purchase intentions: experiences with air purifiers against city smog in China. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: an International Journal. (合作,SSCI)
7. 中国制造业企业创新行为的内外部影响因素研究, 世界经济文汇, 2018. (第一作者,CSSCI)
8. KIBS集聚、区域创新及人力资本门槛效应, 系统工程, 2014, (3), 18-25. (第一作者,CSSCI)
9. 集聚视角下知识密集型服务业对区域创新的影响研究. 科学学与科学技术管理, 2013, 34(12), 167-174. (第一作者,CSSCI)
10. 知识密集型服务业对高技术产业两阶段创新效率的影响研究. 中国科技论坛, 2013, 1(1), 43-49. (第一作者,CSSCI)
11. 中国省会城市极化与扩散效应研究. 中国科技论坛, 2012, 4, 95-99 (第一作者,CSSCI)
12. Technological efficiency of hotel industry in China and its influencing factors. International Journal of Innovation, Management and Technology, 2012, 3(4), 368-373. (第一作者)