Zafar Dad Khan


姓 名 Zafar Dad Khan

职 称 教授
职 务 经济教育中心主任
所属系 中外合作办学
邮 箱
电 话
主讲课程 资源环境经济学

Applied Microeconomics

Economic Development, Trade and Environmental

International Trade and Finance

Development and Growth Economics


Ph.D.   Economics,University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY, USA

M.S.    Finance & ENR,University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY, USA

M.A.    Economics,Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India


2006 – Pres. Professor, Economics and Finance (Tenured) and Director, Center for Economic Education

2004 – 2006  Assistant Research Scientist,Wyoming Statistical Analysis Center, University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY

2002 – 2005  Assistant Lecturer of Economics,University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY

2000 – 2002  Teaching Assistant, University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY

1999 – 2000  Research Aide, Indian Statistical Institute, New Delhi, India

1998 – 1999  Research Assistant, Research and Information System, the Ministry of  External Affairs, the Government of India, New Delhi, India



‘Tax Incentive Proposals to Enhance Child Support Payment Compliance and Tax Progressivity.’ Accounting and Finance Research (2014).


‘An Examination of Tax Incentives for Child Support.’ Contemporary Tax Journal(2014).


‘The Role of Technology in Global Fisheries and Aquaculture: A Case Study of India.’ India Economy Review(2009).


‘Longwall Mining Prospects in India and Market.Report for Longwall Associates Inc(2010).


Economics of Idle Funds: A Case Study of Wyoming.’ Working Paper , University of Wyoming (2007).


‘Analysis to Assist with Pricing the New Recreation Pass.WYSAC Technical Report No. SRC-602 (Prepared for DOI), University of Wyoming(2006).


‘Labor Market & Social Insurance Policy in India: A Case of Losing on Both Competitiveness & Caring.’ World Bank Working Paper(2001).


‘Environmental Standards and International Trade in South Asian Countries.’ Discussion Paper , Research and Information System, New Delhi(2000).


‘Trends in External debt and Resource flows.’ Annual Report for the Ministry of Commerce, the Govt. of India, New Delhi(1999).


‘Integrated Pest Management and CGIAR System.’ RIS Biotechnology and Development Review(1998).


2005 University of Wyoming International Students Scholarship

2005 University of Wyoming Plummer Scholarship for Environmental Natural Resource Majors

2004 Bill Morgan Graduate Student

2001 Best Graduate Student of the Department of Economics and Finance

1999 National Eligibility Test for Lectureship Certificate


1. Member, AACSB Accreditation Committee

2. Member, Faculty Senate

3. Member, Academic Enhance Committee

4. Member, Finance Committee

5. Member, Academic Program Committee

6. Member, International Program Committee

7. Member, Faculty Search Committees (Four)

8. Member, Teachers Education Program Committee

9. Member, Strategic Planning Committee, Envision 2020

10. Member, Staff Council’s Community Service Project Committee

11. Member, Jeffersonian General Education Program Committee

12. Member, General Education Assessment Committee

13. Member, Academic Computing Advisory Committee


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