报告题目:Battling Trans-border Externality: Evidence from Cross-jurisdictional Ecological Compensation in China
报告地点:腾讯会议118 759 861
This paper investigates the impact of the introduction of cross-jurisdictional Ecolog- ical Compensation Plan along Xin’an River in China on mitigation of water pollution spillover effect. We construct a theoretical model involving upstream and downstream local governments maximizing the welfare within its jurisdiction. The model predicts that there always exists some possible compensation plan to achieve Pareto improve- ment, and the compensation policy for ecosystem service of watershed induces the up- stream firms to decline their pollution and output. Empirically, by using difference-in- different design, we find strong evidence that the Ecological Compensation Initiative do mitigate the spillover effect of water pollution at the river border and bring about sharp reduction in water pollutant emissions from upstream firms, especially for those in polluting industries. This policy also decline upstream firms’ output and intensity relative to those downstream. We also find stronger impact on upstream firms closer to the Xin’an River and its cross-provincial boundary.
现任华东师范大学教授,主要研究领域为环境法、法律与经济,尤为关注环境法律制度变革的经济与环境效应,以及应对环境问题的不同规制工具的作用机制及内在系统性关联。王欢欢教授在Journal of Development Economics, Economic Inquiry, China Economic Review,Transnational Environmental Law等经济学与法学的顶尖及一流期刊发表英文论文十余篇,并在《管理世界》《法学评论》等经济学与法学的权威期刊发表中文论文四十余篇。她还担任Journal of Economic Surveys(Q1)期刊的副主编、《环境法学评论》编委等职。