报告人:Beck Hing Lee
Beck Hing Lee has an educational background in several disciplines including Business Management. He has work experience in higher education teaching and management, and is currently teaching at Clark University, Northeastern University, and Quincy College. Courses taught by him include Operations and Supply Chain Management, International Business, Business Ethics, and so on. Through a collaborative program, he has been teaching courses on Intercultural Management and Business Negotiation for students at Hefei University of Technology as well. Being an ethnic Chinese from Malaysia originally, and having been in the US for years, he has substantial multicultural experience and brings to the table multiple perspectives.
Without having lived in a certain foreign country for a good number of years, it may be hard to truly know what it is like and be accustomed to it. To function well in it, cultural adaption to life in that country is important. This lecture focuses on two destinations, the US and Singapore. However, cultural adaptation is relative; a Vietnamese person may find Singapore easier to adapt to than say, a Brazilian person. So, this presentation is catered to the Chinese audience. For example, what should a Chinese person going to study in the US or Singapore expect? This lecture would help answer the question. This lecture will touch upon some basic dos and don’ts, some norms and customs in daily lives, some similarities and differences in lifestyle, diverse worldviews, and values pertaining to the US and Singapore from a Chinese perspective. There will also be discussion of certain current and new sociocultural characteristics and trends that are noteworthy.